Category: Whatsapp Status
“First time ever I see engagement on my whatsapp status.” “People with pure hearts and supporters of truth best people ever.” “The hardest time, I have ever experienced.” “I …
Some missing quotes for whatsapp status are as follows: “When you get pain and hardship then most of us remember our people, but when we get money then most …
Some sad status quotes are as follows: “Sadness benefits you nothing but becomes toxic for you, so be wise and put sadness aside and move on.” “Sad thing is …
Whatsapp is a messenger sending App for smartphones. You can download Whatsapp messenger for free and you can use its message sending and chat services for free. This ap …
Here are some motivational and inspirational quotes to share on whatsapp status: “Some friends are so closed that they often go to whatsapp to see last seen of their …
Some inspirational status quotes for Whatsapp are as follows: “I am working hard to change my life and be a new me.” “Forgive everyone no matter what, But always …
Some motivational status on hope are as follows: “There is always hope, so be patient, don’t lose hope, learn from failure and try again.” “Never give up, Good things …
Some Inspirational feeling quotes for whatsapp status are as follows: “Don’t be the reason someone feels bad, be the reason they feel good and happiness.” “I feel good with …
Some status on mood will be updated here. “Leave worries and stress, Never be in condition of mood off.” “Don’t let any kind of misunderstanding to destroy your mood and relationship.” “Be …
Some smile status with quotes are as follows: “Smile is one of the powerful tools to remove sadness in every situation, smile please.” “I prefer smile whether it is of …