10+ Smile Status quotes for Whatsapp

Some smile status with quotes are as follows:

“Smile is one of the powerful tools to remove sadness in every situation, smile please.”

“I prefer smile whether it is of mine or of yours.”

“Connect people with your pretty smile.”

“Utilize your teeth by smiling.”

“Smile is a symbol of peace and friendship.”

“A pretty smile makes a face pretty.”

i love to smile status
I love to smile, Right now I am smiling, you too smile please !
cute smile status with pic
“A smile is a pretty beautiful thing to bring on the face, so smile and make others to smile.”
keep smiling status
“Don’t let sadness arrive in your life, be happy, keep smiling and move on.”

“Keep smiling in your life, smiling is a need in life to live healthy and happy.”

did you smile today status quotes
I want to see smiling face everywhere around me.

“Your smile changed my feelings and brought peace and happiness in my heart.”

smile status quotes in english
Be happy and smile in any situation no matter how hard hardship you have been facing

“Try always to find a reason to smile, no matter what.”

thanks for the smile status
“Thanks for bringing a pretty smile on my face and being the reason I smile today, I am grateful for this.”

“Do something everyday that makes you and your loved ones smile.”

beautiful smile status in english
Spread love and peace, Strive to bring happiness on the people.

“A beautiful smile is a very successful key that fits on the lock of every hearts.”

reason of smile status quotes
I love everything that makes my face smiling and happy.
status quotes on smile in english
If you find someone in grief then work to make them happy and bring happiness on their face.

“Your smile is just like logo so don’t let be fade it.”

prettiest smile status for whatsapp
Sometimes a prettiest smile is behind in hiding very deep pain.

“The prettiest smile can hide the deepest secrets so use smile to hide your secrets.”

smile and laugh status quotes
Make others feel smiling in every situation.
smile language quotes for whatsapp status
“Every smile have some common reasons.”
smiley face status in english
Thank you fiends, for making me feel good, happy and smile.
live with someone who makes you smile
I always prefer to live with the ones who make me fee smile.

“Change the people with your smile but don’t let people change your smile.”

status on make someone smile today
“Make someone feel happy and smile everyday.”

“Keep smiling, It will keep you free from tension.”

status on reason of smile is you
Be the reason for someone’s smile and happiness but not grief nor sorrow.

“Try to learn hide the tears in your eyes with your prettiest smile.”

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