Some inspirational and motivational impressive quotes for whatsapp status to best whatsapp status to impress everyone are as follows:
“Good deeds bring good outcomes, bad deeds bring bad outcomes.”

“Do good deeds and avoid sinful acts in your life.”
“Doing good deeds and charity works bring peace and happiness in our life.”

“Keep your intension always positive and good.”
Don’t break the relationship but mend the relationship.”
“Mankind is responsible for the good and bad deeds.”

“Change yourself in positive and useful direction, things around you will start changing automatically.”

“Don’t taunt your friends and family, when they are in front of you then ask them about their condition and well beings.”

“Speak the truth and don’t tell lies unnecessarily.”
“Life is too short, don’t waste time of your life. utilize your time with wisdom and the way that is the best.”