Life is a given gift from God. This life is journey from God to God. No one in this world is immortal, everyone will die one day. In this life everyone is in the race of to achieve great success and spend his life with peace, joy and happiness for him/her, his family and for loved ones of him/her. God created us and we are creation of God. God created us and blessed us this life with some purpose so we should try to find the real purpose of life and should not ignore the purpose of life. Some people compare themselves with tiger but they forget tiger is still animal and we are human. God has given us many responsibilities and also has ordered us not do mischief on the land.
Some Life quotes are as follows.

“Implement and practice in your life whatever good you peace to others.”
“In our life we don’t get what we want but we get what we deserve and is good for us.”

“Support peace, brotherhood, humanity and settlement but not war.”

” I consider my life as a journey and a test but not destination.”
“You may have some problems in your life but you should never consider it as problem in moving on.”
“If you get a chance to make your life better then take it.”

“Sometimes a hardship in our life save us from the wrong path and takes us at the right path, So we should consider such hardships nothing but a part of blessings in our life, so keep moving on with patience and stay grateful in each and every situations, no matter what.”

“If you want change your life then know that it is never too late. Know that every day we get another chance to change our life and make it better.”
“Know that our life is not very long but is very short and everything is temporary in our life.”
“If you will not respect yourself then now one will respect you, so go good deeds in your life and always respect yourself.”

“Great success requires great and hard work.”
“Anger brings fear and trouble in your life so say no to anger.”
“Loved ones are those who truly love you and care of you.”
“Be thankful of those whoever who made positive impacts in your life.”

“Embrace the one who truly love and care of you.”
“I can never leave my those loved ones who touches my soul more than my body.”
“You desever anyother chance but you are not supposed to make the same mistake.”
“If you want happiness in your worldly life then don’t expect too much, Keep yourself somewhere between too much and too little.”

“Note that this life is test so do preparation wisely and honestly.”
“Stop complaining and start changing and improving your life.”

“Leave people who don’t bring positive changes in your life.”
“Sometimes hardship and bad times help us in removing bad people from our life.”
“Bad habits bring nothing good in our life but merely bad and they harm us so leave it to make your life better.”

“Don’t get stuck with past, But focus on present and future and strive to to change your life to be a better person.”
“Keep doing good to satisfy your desires and soul no matter what.”
“You should not only notice mistakes of others but you should also notice their pain, tears, and sadness.”
“You can never change past so forget past, focus on present and future.”
“You can never define my reality with your opinion.”
“Everyone is unique, my journey is different from yours.”
“Always have patience, know that things will get better with the time.”
“Never lose hope nor feel end, know that every life faces hardships so always have patience and relax.”

“With positive thoughts, attitude and behavior, happens positive things.”
“Show your kindness everywhere, be kind others and to you too, kindness costs nothing.”
“Every mistake I do in my life, I learn from it and correct myself.”