10+ Inspirational quotes for WhatsApp Status

Some inspirational status quotes for Whatsapp are as follows:

“I am working hard to change my life and be a new me.”

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Inspire to the people the way you deal with others and with the wisdom.
inspirational status on light and darkness
Don’t lose hope, Keep having patience and move on. sometimes we reach to the light via the darkness.
dimming someone else's light quote for whatsapp status
Don’t try to dim light of others, Because your such behavior will be not fruitful for you.
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Forgive the people and Forget whatever has done but never forget the lessons that you have learnt.
Inspirational quotes on change for whatsapp status
You may notice or not but things keep changing continuously.

“Forgive everyone no matter what, But always remember the lessons you learned with them.”

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A lot of problems are just because of misunderstandings, We need to talk each other to remove misunderstandings and improve the relationship.

“Never let your mind to think about negative things.”

inspirational quotes on words and voice for whatsapp status
Raise the standard and decency of your words, you need not to raise volume of your words.

“Be such a good person that people feel blessed to meet you but they don’t feel ashamed to meet you.”

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Never underestimate the small opportunities, sometimes small opportunities take you to the great achievements.
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Be the one who makes the things to happen but not the one watch and wonder to see the things are happened.

“Never be worried of your dreams but set a goal and strive to accomplish it.”

“Don’t hurt people but heal their pain.”

“Don’t become shy to apologize when you are wrong.”

inspirational quotes on mistakes for whatsapp status
Your mistakes are also a kind of teacher, learn from it.

“Listen people without interrupting them, interrupt only when it is very urgent.”

“Accept and respect good people with love and affection.”

“Treat and greet your friends, family and loved ones with respects.”

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Your ability defines your maturity but not your age. age is just a number.

“Take every day as a chance to make your life better.”

“I impress people with my good actions and deeds but not with the things that I have.”

“Don’t trust a friend who is the best friend of those who hate you so much and are juts like enemy of yours.”

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Good people don’t loose people but other people loose good people.

“Always strive to become deserved person but not a reserved person.”

“Impress people with your good behavior and attitude but not material things that you have.”

inspirational status quotes on friendship for fb and whatsapp
Good friends reminds us about our faults.

“We never lose friends, we just filter real ones.”

“Forgive them who have done wrong with you, have patience they will regret.”

“Do good but never do for show off.”

status quotes on friends for fb and whatsapp
A true friends don’t expose you publicly but guides you in private.

Also Read: 10+ Friendship status for Whatsapp

“Sometimes people dislike you because you like to be yourself.”

“I always appreciate good moves and deeds of others.”

inspirational status lines for fb and whatsapp
Never forget the ones who helped you during the time of hardship and need.

“Sometimes people don’t hurt us but our hopes and expectations hurt us.”

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