Mufti menk is Islamic scholar and motivational speaker. His full name is Ismail ibn Musa Menk. He was born on 27 June 1975 in the Harare city of Zimbabwe. He is based in from Zimbabwe. He is very active on social media platforms life Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and on YouTube. URL path of his twitter profile is, instagram profile is and Facebook profile is
Some motivational quotes of him are published here more will be published soon
Keep cool and decent even when you are proven wrong, Don’t be panic.Don’t condemn nor expose publicly to the people for just few faults.Stay positive and Don’t hurt anyone, If you are guilty to hurting of hurting someone then be quick in accepting your faults and apologising.The behavior of the haters is such that they will find any how a way to criticize and hate you.These days, It is very hard to find real friends, if you have any real real friend then strive to keep them with you.If you have made any poor choices in life then don’t stress your life for that, Use your resources to fix the faults and move on at the right trackLife is very simple and easy so please don’t complicate it, You will reap whatever you sow. Work with wisdom and Do good deeds, it will come in your life.”“Don’t let your past mistakes become an obstacle in the path of your growth and success, Correct your mistakes and move on.”Never despair nor lose hope to see up-down in your life“Don’t think that you are superior just because the color of your skin .”Be kind and Stop racism and violence, Our creator is one. Promote peace and brotherhoodBe happy to be yourself and don’t compare your life with others, everyone is unique and beautiful. Be you and Be winner. Slandering is one among the worst sins, control your tongue, be positive and stop slandering the people.Pls stay decent and don’t slander to anyone nor pass any slanderous information against anyone.Fear of committing a sin, a sin is always a sin even if it looks good in the eye of people roaming around you.“Any obstacle or hardship is not permanent, Be patient and move on.”Patience is a great key of goodness. keep having patience regardless any kind of hardship and situation. Know that good rewards for you are ahead.Blessed are those who endure with smiling face to the hardships and trials in their life. Good larders make efforts to empower others to make them great without expecting anything in return.