Here is the collection of best quality of whatsapp status lines to share on whatsapp status:
“Be yourself and be not pervert.”

“I am changing my life to become among the best people.”

“If you are at wrong path, and I do agree with you then this makes wrong to both of us.”

“I try to speak the truth because of religious reasons.”
“Don’t follow Sarcasm nor do acts of sarcastic.”

“Just keep on dreaming high will not make you success, but sincere effort will make.”
“I wish I find friends around me who guide me with the message of truth.”

“Don’t hate the people who commit sins, but guide them and hate the sins.”
“Get impressed by the acts of good doers, not evil doers.”
“Work for what you don’t have and dreaming for it.”
“Pain of Discipline is better than pain of regret.”
“Life is very short, so don’t waste your time by doing evil, do good deeds and support the truth.”
“First practice in your life after that preaches.”

“Sometimes Quiet people are having very fast mind.”
“I am responsible for everything whatever I have told, but I am not responsible what you understand.”

“Don’t compare your life with others; comparing life with others degrades your value.”
“If you has passion to do the things, never fear of failure, Learn from failure and move on.”

“Too much Expectation brings bitterness, expect less, give more.”
“Accept the positive things and decline negativity.”
“Negative thoughts can never defeat postive thoughts.”
“Sometimes making chances becomes necessary to bring good outcomes.”

“Stop looking for the happiness in the source of evil.”
“Keep yourself so much busy improving yourself, that you don’t get time thinking about evil.”