10+ Smart Status for Whatsapp

Here are some inspirational smart quotes and thoughts, you can share on your whatsapp status:

“The more smarter you become, the more selective you become.”

“Do smart work for carrier growth and success in your life.”

“Smart people never choose luxury, they are enough with comfort.”

“Smart people never quit, they learn from their failure and mistakes.”

“Smart work requires smart professionals.”

smart people quotes by Jensen Huang
Smart people target right things.
be smart status for whatsapp
I am not just smart but decent and confident as well.

“Smart work is dominated over hard work.”

smart status quotes for facebook and whatsapp

“Do smart work to boost your business.”

“Focus on smart work rather than hard work.”

“Don’t try to become over smart.”

smart status updates for whatsapp status

“Smart people talk less but practice and implement more.”

“Smart people stay updated.”

cool and smart status quotes for whatsapp

“Smart people seek feedback and don’t feel shy to appreciate those who help them.”

good and smart status for whatsapp and fb

“If you are a smart person then be yourself and don’t copy others.”

“Just being smart is not enough, you need to set the goal and work to achieve it.”

“You are smart enough to do smart work.”

smart and hard working status for fb and whatsapp

“Kids are so smart that they are so hungry to win anything.”

“Your smart work made your performance remarkable and extraordinary.”

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