Some silence quotes for Whatsapp status are as follows:
“No one can silence your voice if you are on the side of truth and follow the truth.”
“Silence is a good thing but make sure silence between you and other person is not offensive but is comfortable.”
“Sometimes, Silence gives a best reply.”
“Sometimes it is a must to break silence and speak up against injustice.”
“When your words start working against you then let your silence speak on behalf of you.”
“Heal the pains with your silence.”
“Silence is a very decent and constructive language.”
“Overthinking is harmful for the health, inner silence gives us peace.”

“Don’t remain silent about the things that actually matter for goodness and justice in the society.”

“Always maintain a comfortable silence in friendship.”
“Don’t remain silent when you see that innocent people are getting oppressed and harmed, Because if you remain silent then next number could come of yours.”