Some motivational status on hope are as follows:
“There is always hope, so be patient, don’t lose hope, learn from failure and try again.”
“Never give up, Good things take time, help is on the way.”
“I know you are a hopeful and patient person person and know the value of hope and patience.”

“I hope you will always be happy by putting trust on on me. I make your that you will be not betrayed.”
“I hope to spend more time with my loved ones than I already I have.”
“Waiting and being patient is a good thing when we know that good things are ahead.”
“I hope you all will be happy by going on a tourist destination with me.”
“I hope hardship is going to take an end and better days are around to come.”

“Be hopeful and remain patient, good things could happen at any time.”
“Hope creates dreams in the life of mankind.”
“Be patient, I hope something better happens to you very soon.”
“I hope you all are going to have a wonderful day today.”
“Always hope that you are energic enough to do assigned job.”
“I hope that whatever you are doing today goes well.”
“Sometimes, Being hopeful is the first is the first action to take.”
“If you are a hopeful person and work with dedication to achieve any goal then it becomes very easy to achieve the goal.”

“I hope you will not forget your promise, a promise is like a debt.”
“I have you have a meaningful and useful dream in your life.”

“Don’t lose hope nor give up on something you want in your life, be patient and strive with dedication to achieve your goal.”
“Never give up nor be sad, be hopeful and find a way.”
“Never lose hope but be hopeful, you don’t know what good could happen tomorrow so be patient.”
“Don’t lose hope because you will be either win or learn, so be patent and focus on your goal.”
“Don’t give up nor lose hope, Sometimes hardships come in our life to make us strong but not to destroy, so move on with patience.”

“A hope gives us energy, and motivates us to keep moving on.”
“Hope makes you stringer and removes the fear.”
“Sometimes, I hope everything will be fine but with the time.”

“Don’t pay attention on the ones who discourage you or want let you down, Never lose hope nor be sad, Know that failure is not end, Learn from failure and try again.”
“Every time my mobile phone vibrates, I hope something good news for me.”
“You should not hope that your brother remain poor.”
“I hope you will not leave me in any situation.”
“A lawyer should not hope that you get in trouble.”

“A good doctor is not supposed to hope you fell sick.”
“You should not hope better than your brother, like the things for your brother that you like for yourself.”
“A teacher should not hope that you are born silly.”
“Don’t let hopes to ended up into trouble.”
“Don’t let situations to destroy hope of your loved ones, Help them at every step of life no matter what.”
“A landlord should not hope that you don’t build a house for yourself.”
“To see the support of my people, I found a hope to move on.”
“I hope you will enjoy to be here with my people.”
“A mechanic should not hope that your car breaks down.”