10+ Heart Touching quotes for whatsapp status

Some heart touching status are as follows:

“There is huge difference in between understanding and misunderstanding. Understanding makes you while misunderstanding breaks you.”

“Don’t feel proud be betraying someone, but feel sad that you have lost a trust worthy person who trusted on you the most.”

“Bad days too will be passed, keep having patience.”

“Don’t play a game with the emotions of anyone, may be you wind the emotional game, but you will be lost from hi/her heart forever.”

“Don’t feel sad nor grieve, because there are some people in this world who feel happy to see happy to you, they smile to see you smiling face.”

“Sometimes, a minor thing is enough to break a heart.”

heart touching status on friendship
“I would prefer honest enemies over fake friends.”
heart touching status quotes for whatsapp

“Keep smiling no matter how many times you have been hurt. Smile brings peace and happiness in life.”

heart touching status lines in english
Don’t hurt any one please, love to everyone.

“Keep calm and never hurt to anyone no matter what, Patience is always useful and problem solver.”

ALSO Read: 10+ status quotes on heart

“Keep your heart free from hate and support the truth this will bring peace and happiness in your life.”

heart touching status on time
Sometimes our heart needs more time to accept the reality and bring peace inside the heart.

“Distance can never be a barrier when hearts of two people are loyal to each other.”

“Don’t belittle to any soft heart because the soft hearts have very strong shields.”

“Speak truth and make pure to your heart and don’t let everyone to access your heart because one wrong person can destroy your heart.”

“Keep your heart calm by having patience.”

heart touching words about life
It hurts a lot when the ones given pain who used to pretend ours.

“No one can truly satisfy your heart except one who created you including your heart. So seek help from almighty through patience and prayer.”

“Remember before breaking any heart. You will get many like him but you will not get him among them.”

heart touching hurt status
Happy memories always don’t give relief but sometimes hurt most.

Also Read: 10+ Hurt Status quotes

“It is very difficult task to remove someone from your heart.”

“Some people are so good by heart that our desire says to say with him for life time.”

“Break heart of none no matter what.”

“Never leave alone to those who are sincere, loyal, and honest and consider you their own.”

heart touching message lines
Sometimes, situations forces us to be apart while love the union.

“Sometimes situations make us to let people go from our life but not our heart.”

“Never let your ego to break a friendship or relationship.”

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