Some inspirational and motivational heart quotes and thoughts are as follows:
“Your heart decides who you like to be in in your life.”
“Put aside the arrogance of your heart, stay positive and supportive.”
“Leave negative and selfish people aside before they break your heart.”
“We all need to know that everyone is not having the same heart.”
“Make your heart big enough to help the poor and needy people.”
“Stay cool and forget the things which are not under your control.”
“Talk people the way that you win their heart.”
“Never let hard time break your heart, Move on no matter what.”
“You have a big heart, who don’t see race or religion when it comes humanity.”
“Keep your heart clean and don’t let people to pollute your heart.”
“Keep your heart pure, Pure and good heart brings peace and happiness .”
“You have very amazing and generous heart because you take care of humanity.”
“Don’t use your pretty face to play with heart of someone.”
“People with good heart have positive attitude.”
“Fill your heart with positive thinking.”
“Keep taking care of heart and feelings of your family and friends.”
“A good heart encourages you to help and give too much.”
“I welcome you guys from the bottom of my heart.”
“A person is better with pretty heart than pretty face.”
“Don’t break heart of others but mend and heal always.”
“There is not darkens where people are economically poor, but darkness is there where people are poor with their hearts.”