10+ Good quality quotes for Whatsapp Status

Some good quality quotes and thoughts are as follows:

“Keep doing good to others no matter what, It will be returned to you in in unexpected ways.”

“Strive to make good better and batter to the best.”

“If you want to love your children then love their mother first.”

good people quotes for whatsapp status
Good people are just like candles, They strive and burn their life to bring light in the life of others.”

“I am striving and hoping to live a life filled with goodness, love, brotherhood, truth and kindness.”

good people quotes for whatsapp
“Good people are available everywhere you go, you just need to strive to find them.”
good heart quotes for whatsapp status
“Don’t get cheated by a shining and beautiful face, Beautiful heart is always is always more beneficial than a pretty face.”

Also Visit: 10+ positive quotes for life

“Always focus on good things and strive to change your life to make it better.”

good friends status messages
I am facing difficulties to find good and reliable friends.

“Be good to everyone and don’t harm any innocent with your tongue nor with hands.”

good bad status quotes for fb and whatsapp
Don’t destroy your good today by stressing about bad yesterday.

“Do good and think good in each and every situation.”

“if you have really good mindset, good thoughts, good behavior and good attitude then it will really change your life.”

Also Visit: 10+ Positive Thoughts for Life

“Keep your mindset positive and good as it makes your life good.”

“Do good deeds and avoid evil talks.”

good status quotes for whatsapp
Strive to convert good to better

“Keep good people around you, collect good books and read them, and love good things and good people.”

“Keep doing good with dedication, honest efforts never get lost.”

“Do good deeds in a way that it help you and others as well.”

“Forget fast and focus on current and future, Erase bad deeds by doing good deeds.”

good things take time status quotes fro fb and whatsapp
Keep having patience, go ahead step by step with patience, Good things take time.

“Do good deeds because it is is your responsibility, avoid show off.”

“If you want to see goodness in others then first bring goodness in yourself.”

“Good people are far away from ego and negative attitude.”

good enough status quotes for fb and whatsapp
Be so decent and good that people strive to be friend of you.

“Do good deeds with your pure intention to server humanity but not to show off.”

“Take care of elderly people and think good about your family, neighbors, relatives and everyone.”

“Speak truth be among those have good attitude and thoughts.”

“Do good deeds and think about others this will keep you away from stress and depression.”

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