10+ Truth status for Whatsapp

Some truth quotes for Whatsapp status are as follows:

“Don’t hide the truth. Keep truth and falsehood apart and don’t mix them, Reveal the truth if you know.”

“Defend the truth by speaking the truth.”

“Liars get mad when truth is reveled in-front of them.”

“Make a habit to speak the truth.”

“Realize the truth and accept the reality.”

“Enjoy joy in speaking the truth.”

“Truth hurts but it is an ally of justice and falsehood is an ally of injustice.”

“If you preach to speak the truth then you must also must speak the truth.”

quotes on the truth
i know people hate the truth but I will always strive keep moving on the path of the truth.
quotes on the truth by Alex Elle
I never feel afraid to stand by the truth.

“Follow the way of the truth and use the words of kindness.”

a person with the pure of heart speaks the truth
If you are willing to speak the truth then make sure your heart is pure.

“There are many who know the truth, see the truth but still believe in the lies and follow the lies.”

truth is bitter status message
Indeed, Truth seems to be bitter but it gives peace.

“I don’t hate to hear the truth but love to hear the truth and handle the reality.”

truth status with quotes
Speak the truth no matter whether people will hate you or love you. keep speaking the truth.

“You may be true but this doesn’t mean the person in front of you is wrong.”

power of the truth status with quotes
“I always believe in the power of the truth but not falsehood, No person in this world can hide or remove the truth.”
path of truth status quotes for fb and whatsapp
“Make your path of the truth and spread the message of truth, accept the truth and reject the falsehood.”
follow the truth status quotes for fb and whatsapp
“Follow the truth. It will set you free.”
whatsapp status quotes about telling the truth
“I always respect and accept the truth, no matter what, even if it hurts my heart and feelings.”

“Note that One day, finally everything will be revealed and the truth will come out, and you will regret for believing all the lies.”

download finally the truth comes out status quotes
“Finally the truth will come out and falsehood will be exposed.”
the truth removes the darkness status quotes for fb and whatsapp
“Truth removes the darkness and brings light.”
truth and peace status quotes for fb and whatsapp
“Truth brings peace and joy inside you.”
accept the truth status quotes for fb and whatsapp
If you want truth then you must respect truth by speaking and respecting the truth.

“Truth is like hate to those who hate the truth.”

“Words spoken from the mouth may lie but actions expresses the truth.”

“If you want to feel peace and joy then get embraced with the truth and keep yourself away from the falsehood.”

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