If you are looking for dream quotes and thoughts to share on your social media status of WhatsApp then you are at right place. here are great collection of positive social media status for WhatsApp. you are free to share with you friends, family, relatives and loved ones.
Some dream quotes in English for whatsapp status are as follows:
“Big dreams starts from a small, we just need to keep moving on.”
“Don’t get demotivated by your problems but get motivated by your dreams.”
“A dream is all about starting phase.”
“To rise up, you must have a dream, to make it true you must work with wisdom and dedication.”
“Just dreaming is not enough, You must start working on it. Do everything whatever you can do to reach your goal and complete your dream. “
“Dreaming big is not enough, If your dream is big then you must do hard work.”

“When it comes achievement of big dreams then know that you will have to face a lot of difficulties and hardships during the process of achievement,”

“If you want accomplish your dream then don’t schedule it for someday but start it right away.”