Some sad status quotes are as follows:
“Sadness benefits you nothing but becomes toxic for you, so be wise and put sadness aside and move on.”

“Sad thing is that people who claim to be peace maker, are involved making mischief on the land.”

“Some times I feel happiness and sadness both.”
“No matter how much you try to forget someone, if person has gotten a place in your heart then it would be very hard to forget him.”

“I distanced myself from the mischief people to overcome my sadness.”
“The ways tears express the things heart cannot.”
“Some times we see sad eyes but happy faces.”

“Sometimes we face such kind of sadness situation that we even exactly don’t know why we are facing, such sadness is very painful.”
“Sadness harms our health too much, so never feel sad for no reason.”
“No matter how much you are hurt, sad, angry and disappointed, Put happiness and smile on your face and move on.”
“Sadness destroys your health and wellness so say no to sad life.”
“Things will look very easy when you are happy with hope and patience, but will look very tough when you are sad.”
“Don’t feel sad if someone left you, feel sad for them who left you because they were with someone who was going never leave.”
“Mankind doesn’t become much grieved by just committing mistake but becomes much grieved by thinking again and again
about mistake.
“Never let the people to know the reason behind your sadness, keep having patience after hardship comes ease.”
“Don’t grieve no be sad just because someone walked from your life, May be It happened for good.”
“Sadness brings nothing but harm, so smiling and remain happy.”

“Happiness is always useful while sadness is always harmful.”
“Sadness doesn’t make you strong but it weakens you.”
“Generate strenght inside you to kick away sadness.”
“Stop worrying and grieving, focus on your own business but not on others, This will end to sadness and pain.”
“Don’t grieve nor be sad but be patient and and move on.”
Also Read: 10+Sad SMS
“Meeting with my family disappeared my sadness and brought joy and happiness.”
“Some times people hide their sadness with smiling face.”
“Some times sadness and loneliness throws you in depression.”
“This is my desire that I don’t face sadness and anxiety in my life.”
“Learn how you can turn your fears and sadness into joy and happiness.”
“Fill your heart with joy but not sadness.”
“Some times my sadness is taken over with my smile.”
“Depression and sadness makes you isolated and your are left behind.”
“When you kick away sadness then happiness starts coming.”
‘Sadness and happiness cannot be at the same place.”
“Some times I hide my deepest sadness with smiling face.”
“Don’t feel sadness for not apparent reasons.”
“Be the source of happiness for the people but not sources of sadness.”
“Don’t stress nor be sad.”
“Try to get away from sadness to get peace in your heart.”
“Loneliness, anger, worry put your heart in sadness and sadness put your heart in depression.”
“Learn how to hide your sadness with a pretty smile.”
“Don’t let your happiness to be turned into depression.”
“Minding your own business will provide a cure for sadness.”
“be grateful and mind your own business, This will bring peace and joy in your heart and will remove sadness.”
“be happy but not sad, Sadness is harmful so don’t let it to harm and destroy you.”
“This is the hard moment when your heart is breaking, but it becomes necessary for you to smile.”
“Sadness comes to you just harm you, kick sadness away with pretty smile and removing the stress.”