May Allah bless you quotes

Here We have published some quotes on May Allah bless you . Please read the quotes and don’t forget to inform me if you find any error in any quotes or duas on May Allah bless you. If there is any error then do inform so that I could correct the error quickly.

“May Allah bless me, you and al the Muslims by replacing our desires with the desires to please him.”

May Allah bless you with success
“May Allah bless you with success in this Dunya by providing everything you need and bless you success Hereafter by providing you a place in jannah..”

“May Allah bless you with his peace, mercy and blessings.”
“May Allah bless you with his dhikr.”

“May Allah bless you good deeds and ilm(knowledge”

“May Allah bless me his guidance and protect my parents and make them righteous.”

“May Allah bless you with righteous life”

quote on may Allah shower his blessings on you

“May Allah bless you with kindness and decency”

“May Allah bless you with healthy and righteous life.”

“May Allah bless you with the richness of imaan.”

“May Allah bless you with understanding of Islam.”

May Allah bless with Quran knowledge
May Allah bless us with reading & understanding of the Quran. May Allah make me a knowledgeable person of the Quran.

“May Allah bless you with a life that is according to Quran and Sunnah.”

“May Allah bless you with a pure heart.”

“May Allah bless you with a righteous family, relatives and friends.”

“May Allah bless you kalmia tayyaba during the time of your last breath,”

“May Allah bless with righteous life to your parents.”

“May Allah bless good health to your parents.”

“May Allah’s peace, mercy, guidance, protection and blessings be upon you and your family.”

“May Allah bless you with a habit to pray 5 times a day on regular basis.”

“May Allah bless you with the habit to pray tajjud on regular basis.”

“May Allah bless you with wisdom and happiness.”

“May Allah bless you with a habit to do often dhikr of Allah.”

“May Allah bless our family and relatives.”

“May Allah bless you with his love and guidance”

“May Allah bless me by removing laziness behavior from me.”

“May Allah bless me with the strength to wake up early in the night so that I could pray tahajjud and fajr timely.”

“May Allah bless me by keeping me away from shirk and biddah.”

“May Allah bless me by giving me a righteous and good end of my life.”

“May Allah bless me by making my last words of my life “La ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah.”

“May Allah bless me by removing all the arrogance and selfishness from my heart and make a me righteous humble person.”

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