Some death status with quotes are as follows:
“Don’t fear about the death but fear about your sinful acts.”
“Death is a reality, it could reach at anytime, regret for your sinful acts and start doing good deeds.”
“Fear of death could stop you from doing sinful acts.”

“It is not the death I fear and worried about, but I fear and worried about the things inside me that have already been like dead while I have been living.”

“No matter how much money we have, how pretty our face is, how big our house is, we cannot escape from the death and Our graves will be always of the same size. Repent and do good deeds.”

“Final destination of everyone is grave, no matter whether you are poor or rich.”

“You will still die no matter how pretty face you have gotten.”
“There is no medicine to stop the death. No one can escape from the death by using medicine.”

“No one can escape from death. Death will reach you one day.”
“Don’t do evil on the land nor support it, remember your death your death is more closer to you than you think and you cannot defeat the death.”
“Fear for the death of morality, humanity and spirituality inside you while you are still alive.”
“Death is not the loss in life for those who died doing good deeds and obeying Almighty, Death is greatest loss for those who died committing sin on the land and doing mischief behavior .”
“Respect the dead person and don’t curse nor abuse.”
“Don’t spread lies nor propaganda against the person who is no longer in this world but is dead.”